Resource Centre

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Add promo codes

With you have full control over the creation and management of your event’s promo codes. You can allow your participants to use promo codes on their Registrations/Tickets and on their Attendee Items/Other Stuff.

1. Log into your account.

2. Go to Promotions and select Promo Codes on the left side menu

3. Enter your promo code information.

  • Promo code:  Name your promo code (the name you enter here will be used in your reports)
  • Discount: Choose between a flat amount ($) or a percent (%) off of the purchase price.
  • Usage:  This will restrict how many times the code can be used.  Leave the field blank for Unlimited usage.
  • Applicable to:  From the dropdown menu, you can select which Registrations/Tickets or Purchases (Attendee Items or Other Stuff) the discount applies to.
4. To choose the dates this code is available for, click the gear icon (⚙) to access advanced settings. It is optional for you to select a start and end date for when this discount code will be available.

5. Click SAVE at the top or bottom of the page. Your code will be ready to use right away (unless you set it for a future date)!

Pro Tip: Only one promo code can be used per order. If you want someone to have a code for a registration/ ticket AND an Attendee Item, set it to 2 usages.

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Resource Centre | 2024