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Customize your registration form
Event registration forms will help you capture general information about your buyers and attendees, improve their experience at your event, and get useful insight that you can use to market the event. allows you to place the questions in any order you want, delete questions that you do not need or require your attendees to answer certain questions. You may also choose which attendees will see and answer your questions based on their registration/ticket type.

1. Log into your account
2. While in your event, click Event Details then select Form Questions 

3. There are two parts to Form Questions: Buyers and Attendees. Turn on questions to view the standard form questions and settings (gear) to access advanced options.

4. If you want to add any custom questions, click the Add Question button at the bottom to add additional questions. To add Section Headers to your registration form, click the Add Section Header at the bottom. 

5. Don't forget to click the SAVE button to save your changes.

Few notes to consider:
When setting up form questions, there are a few default questions being first name, last name, email, date of birth, gender, phone and address. Depending on the type of event you are putting on, gathering as much information from your event goers can be extremely valuable. For example, you may need emergency contact information for each attendee if you are organizing a marathon or obstacle course. In any case, gives you all the control you need to create an entry form that fits your event’s needs. You may request as much information as necessary from your registrants, but know that only needs the Buyer’s first name, last name, and email address, to process an order. Let’s look at the different types of custom questions:

  • Dropdown:  With the Dropdown question, you are able to ask an initial question then ADD CHOICE to provide your attendees with various amounts of answers to choose from. Attendees will only be able to select one answer choice. For each of the choices, you may ask one additional question by clicking the Add drop down menu. 
  • Multi-Select List: The Multi-Select List is very similar to the Dropdown except Multi-Select List does not allow for an additional question to be asked depending on the answer choice that is chosen. Multi-Select List allows for attendees to choose either just one answer choice or multiple answer choices. An example for this question could be, “What years did you attend our festival?” and the choices could be “This is my first year, Attended in 2018, Attended 2017, Attended 2016, etc.”.
  • Text Field: With this question, it allows for attendees to enter information into a text box. You are able to get information from your attendee that you otherwise may not have been able to otherwise. An example of this question could be, “What brand of bicycle do you own?”. This could be useful if you want to find out what are the most common brands attendees use at your event.
  • Waiver: This will allow for you to put in a set of guidelines or rules that your attendee would need to follow when participating at the event. By having them click on the box, it would stipulate that they have read the waiver and are agreeing to follow those guidelines.

If you added Registrations to your event, the Attendee questions will default to ON because events that collect registrations usually need information from each attendee. If you added Tickets, the attendee questions will default OFF. You can choose to change default at any time.

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Resource Centre | 2024